Opening hours during the holidays

Ehrensperger AG Displayland Fehraltorf Zürich Schweiz - Ihr kompetenter Grosshändler für professionelle Dekorationsartikel in der Schweiz!
2019-12-21 00:35:00 / new from DisplayLand / Comments 0

We are also available for you during the holiday and are open as usual, with the following exceptions:

24.12.19: only until 12.00
25.12.19: closed
26.12.19: closed
31.12.19: only until 12.00
01.01.19: closed
02.01.19: closed

You are welcome to visit our shop in Fehraltorf and take your time to have a look at the new spring collection.

Important information regarding parcel deliveries by DPD:

23 December: normal operation
24 December: Parcels are delivered, collections are not made
25 - 26 December all depots are closed
27 December: normal operation
30 December: normal operation
31 December: Parcels are delivered, collections are not made, Swiss depots have reduced operation
1 - 2 January all depots are closed
From 3 January: normal operation
